Components Of The Building With Detail
The parts of the building in the listed structure are the foundation, bottoms, walls, shafts, columns, roof, stairs, etc. These rudiments serve the purpose of supporting, enclosing, and guarding the structure. Basic Components of a structure. Roof Alcazar Lintels shafts Columns DPC Walls bottom Stairs Plinth Beam Foundation Plinth Contents. Components Of The Building With Detail| Parts Of Building
Components Of The Building With Detail
The roof forms the topmost element of a structure. It covers the top face of the structure. Roofs can be either flat or lean grounded on the position and rainfall conditions of the area.
The Parapet wall/short wall
The short walls are extended above the roof on the corner side this wall is installed for people’s safety and this wall is used for flat roofs.
Horizontal Concrete beam /Lintel beam
Lintel Beam is installed only for the top of the door window etc. purpose of this beam is only to support weight in coming from the wall to the top of the window or door. typically, lintels are constructed by corroborated cement concrete. in domestic structures, lintels can be built of concrete or from bricks.
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Shafts and Crossbeams
shafts and crossbeams form the vertical members of a structure. For a single-story structure, the top arbor forms the roof. In the case of a multi-story structure, the ray transfers the cargo coming from the bottom above the arbor which is in turn transferred to the columns. shafts and crossbeams are constructed by corroborated cement concrete(R.C.C). Read further 21 Types of shafts in Construction Read further Types of crossbeams.
The column is the vertical member of the building this is constructed from below and above the ground level. columns are used for load transfer from top to bottom
Damp Proof Course (DPC)
DPC is a subcaste of waterproofing material applied on the basement position to help the rise of facing water into the walls. The walls are built over the DPC. Read further Damp Proof Course (DPC)
Walls are perpendicular rudiments that support the roof. It can be made from monuments, bricks, concrete blocks, etc. Walls give a quadrangle and cover against the wind, sun, rain, etc. Openings are handed into the walls for ventilation and access to the structure.
The floor/bottom is the face laid on the plinth position. Flooring can be done with a variety of accouterments like penstocks, purposefulness, marbles, concrete, etc. Before floor works, the ground has to be duly compacted and leveled.
A stair is a sequence of ways that connect different bottoms in a structure. The space enthralled by a stair is called the stair-path. There are different types of staircase like rustic stairs and R.C.C stairs.
Plinth Beam
Plinth Beam is a rayed structure constructed either at or above the ground position to take up the cargo of the wall coming over it.
The plinth is constructed above the ground position. It’s a cement-mortar subcaste lying between the substructure and the superstructure.
The Foundation is a structural unit that slightly distributes the cargo from the superstructure to the underpinning soil. This is the first structural unit to be built for any structure construction. A good foundation prevents agreement of the structure.
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