Definition And Difference B/w Main Bar And Distribution Bar

In this article, I will discuss the main bar or short bar and the long bar or distribution bar.I use the word long and short is very helpful to better understand the main bar and distribution bar. Definition And Difference B/w Main Bar And Distribution Bar

Definition And Difference B/w Main Bar And Distribution Bar

What Is The Main Bar/Short Bar

The Main/short bar is to give the shorter span direction. The purpose of the main bar is to transfer the bending Moments is transfer to the bottom of the arbor/slab to the shafts. That’s why we place the main/short bars at the bottom of any concrete portion or any foundation. Also using slightly stronger( advanced) dimension bars we place the main bars in a shorter direction.

What Is The Distribution Bar/Long Bar

Distribution bars/long bars are all location used in the long direction of any slab or foundation. The basic purpose for using the long bar on top of the short bar is to repel the shear stress and cracks developed over a longer span for better understanding.

we place the distribution bars perpendicularly on top of the main/short bars. We use lower dimensions since it’s only to repel the cracks developed due to shear stress on top of the arbor/slab. we place them in the longer-span direction.

Difference b/w Main Bars and Distribution Bars

The main bar is also called the shot bar and the distribution bar is also called the long bar

The short bar or main bar is normally using the bottom of the slab

The long bar or distribution/long bar is all foundation or any reinforcement there put or install the top of the short bar/main bar.

Main/short bars are placed in a shorter direction and Distribution bars are placed in a longer span direction.

Main /short Bars are used for transfer bending moments to the bottom of the foundation.

Distribution Bars/long bars are used for crossways and repel the crack and shear force at the top

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