How To Calculate The Bar Bending Schedule For Combined Foundation

Bar bending schedule or BBS for any foundation means calculation the rebar details using in the foundation. also calculate the weight of the steel diameter of the steel fixing location of the steel, spacing between two bar and also the length of the bar. Calculate The Bar Bending Schedule For Combined Foundation

In This article I will explain the bar bending schedule for combined foundation. we calculate the bar bending schedule with the help of given data. The given data is mention in the drawing.

How To Calculate The Bar Bending Schedule For Combined Foundation

  1. How To Calculate The Concrete For Combined Foundation

  2. How To Calculate The Spiral Bar Cutting Length And Uses Of Spiral Bar

Given Data 

length of the combined footing = 3500mm

width of the combined footing = 2000mm

Height of the footing = 450mm

Height of the column without footing = 925mm

Height of the column with footing = 1375mm

Diameter of the footing bar = 16mm

Diameter of the vertical bar = 16mm

Diameter of the inner Rings = 10mm

Spacing between two bar in footing bar = 150mm

Spacing between two bar in Column bar = 150mm

Concrete cover for footing and column = 50mm

Number of bar in column = 12 No’s


  1. Length of the Footing bar

  2. Weight of the Footing bar

  3. Length of the Vertical bar

  4. Weight of the Vertical bar

  5. Length of the Outer Ring

  6. Length of the Inner Ring 

  7. Weight of the Outer and Inner  Ring 

1- Length of the Footing Bar

Cutting length of the Footing Bar (B)

Cutting Length long bar = length of the footing – 2 C.C + 2 hooks (90 degree)

Hooks (90º)= Footing height -2 C.C – Diameter of bar = 450-100 -16=334mm

Cutting Length of  long bar (B)= 3500 – 2(50) + 2(334) = 2732mm

Number of Long Bar (B)

Number of long bar (B) = Total width – 2 C.C / Spacing +1

Number of long bar (B) = 2000  – 2(50) / 150 + 1 = 14 No’s

Total length of long bar (B) = Number of bar x length of one bar

Total length of long bar (B) = 14 x 2732 = 38248mm

Cutting length of the Footing Bar (T)

Cutting  Length of long bar (T) = 3500 – 2(50) + 2(334) = 2732mm

Number of Long Bar (T)

Number of long bar (T) = Total width – 2 C.C / Spacing +1

Number of long bar (T) = 2000  – 2(50) / 150 + 1 = 14 No’s

Total length of long bar (T) = Number of bar x length of one bar

Total length of long bar (T) = 14 x 2732 = 38248mm

Total length B and T bar =38248 + 38248 =76.496m

Cutting length of short bar 

Cutting length of short bar(B) =Width of footing – 2 C.C + 2 hooks (90º)

Hooks (90º)= Footing height -2 C.C – Diameter of bar = 450-100 -16=334mm

Cutting length of short bar (B) = 2000 – 2 (50) + 2(334) = 1232mm

Number of the short bar (B)

Number of the short bar  = Total length of footing – 2 C.C /Spacing +1

Number of the short bar  = 3500 – 100 /150 + 1 = 24No’s


Total length of short bar = Number of short bar x cutting length of one bar

Total length of short bar = 24 x 1232  =29.568m

The cutting length of short bar bottom and short bar top is same length and number

Total length of short bar bottom and top short bar is same

Total length of short bar bottom and top short bar = 29.568 + 29.568 = 59.136m

Total length bottom and top bar = 76.496 + 59.136 = 135.632m

2-Weight of the Footing 

Weight of the Footing Bar = d²/162 x Total length

Weight of the Footing Bar = 16² / 162 x 135.632 = 214.33kG = 215KG

3- Length of vertical bar 

Cutting Length of vertical bar = Total height of foundation – 2 C.C +bottom hook(20D) + top hook(34D)

Cutting Length of vertical bar = 1375  – 100 + 320 + 544 = 2139mm

Number of bars = 12 No’s

Total length of vertical bar =  Number of bar x Cutting length of one bar

Total length of Vertical bar =  12 x 2139 = 25.668m

4-Weight of vertical bar 

Weight of Vertical bar = d² / 162 x total length

Weight of Vertical bar  16² / 162 x 25.668 = 40.56KG = 41KG

5- Length of Outer Ring

Cutting length of the inner ring = 2(length of column + Breath of column -4 C.C)+2 hooks(10d)

Cutting length of the outer  ring = 2[(650 + 650-4(50)]+ 2(100) =2400mm

Number of outer Ring

Number of outer Ring = Height of the column – CC / spacing +1

Number of outer Ring = 975 -50 /150 +1 =8 No’s

Total length = Number of ring x cutting length

Total length =  8 x 2400 =19.200m

6-Length of Inner Ring

Cutting length of inner ring = 2 x length of column – 2CC /3 +2 x width of column- 2C.C +2Hooks(10d)

Cutting length of inner ring =2 (650-100)/3 +2(650-100) + 2 (10×10)

Cutting length of inner ring = 1100/3 + 1100 + 200

Cutting length of inner ring  = 367+1100+200= 1667mm

Number of inner ring

Number of inner ring and number of outer ring is same

Number of inner ring = 8 = 8 

Inner side two ring so

Number of inner ring = 16 No’s

Total length of both inner Ring = Number of inner ring x cutting length of one inner ring

Total length of both inner Ring = 16 x 1667 =26.672m

Total length of outer and inner ring = 19.200 + 26.672 = 45.872m

7- Weight of Outer Ring And Inner Ring 

Weight of Outer Ring And Inner Ring = d² / 162 x Total length

Weight of Outer Ring And Inner Ring = 10² / 162  X 45.872 = 29KG




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