Definition And Different Types Of Road With Details

What is the definition of a road? Purpose of the road. Different roads have different purposes. Definition And Different Types Of Road With Details | Types of Roads According To Flexibility  | Types of Road According to the Carriageway | According To Uses | According To the Traffic | Definition And Different Types Of Road With Details | Types of Roads According to money surf/Economy | Definition And Different Types Of Road With Details | Types of Roads According to Topography | Types of Roads According to Construction Materials | Types of Roads According to Accessibility And  Speed | Types of Roads |Factor Effecting On The Road. 

Definition of Road

A road is a basic way of access on land, a gap between two places that allow of provide to people to travel from one place to another place.

Different roads have different purposes

Therefore, they are made from other devices with different characteristics and different types of transport vehicles that use them. Below are the types of highways.

Factor Effecting On The Road 

Roads from various support systems have been introduced and used for specific purposes. The basis for some of these road strips.

1-Geometric rudiments


3-Business/Trafic volume

4-Legal control

5-Face/surface type


Types of Roads

Different types of roads are mentioned is below.

Types of Roads According to Accessibility And  Speed 


Highways are also known as controlled access highways. Highways are wide roads designed for fast vehicles to travel long distances with advanced pets and in less time.

Controlled Highways

Types of roads roadways are the same way one of the superior types of access-controlled highways where ramps completely control the exit and entry of the Thruway.


Roads connecting municipalities to municipalities either from one state to another or from small towns to municipalities or roads connecting the state capital to the state capital are called Roadways.


Carriageways are the roads constructed inside the city or megacity for the movement’s high-volume vehicles.

Original Road

Original thoroughfares do not carry a large volume of business like a cell. The speed limit is confined to 30 to 50km/ hr on the original road.

Collector Roads

Collector roads deliver and collect the business to and from carriageways and original thoroughfares. The speed limit generally ranges between 33- 55 kilometer/ hour.

Types of Roads According to Construction Materials

Earthing Roads

The roads built with the available soil or complexion at the point are called Earthen Roads.

Clay/Gravel Road

Clay roads are better than the soil road and this road is a very low-cost road as compared to other all types of roads.

Water Bound/Crush Roads

Water-bound macadam road is also called WBM road. The total( crushed gravestone) is laid as a base course.

Bituminous/Asphalt Roads

Bituminous is a black glue and thick material produced during the distillation of petrol.

RCC Road/Concrete Roads

The roads which are laid using the beating of cement concrete material are called concrete roads.

Types of Roads According to Topography

Hilly Roads

They’re building in hilly areas where one can see frequent steep turns, campo, and ups types of roads.

Plane Surface/Area Roads

plain area roads, to be built by the plain area where there are veritably many turns, campo, and ups are plain area roads.

Types of Roads According to money surf/Economy

Low Price Cost Roads

They can be constructed with the available original soil or locally available accouterments, and lower capital is called low-cost roads.

Medium Price Cost Roads

The road finances needed for constructing medium-cost roads are better than low-cost bones

Expensive Road/High Price Cost Roads

high- cost roads bear huge capital to construct. public roadways and State roadways are stylish exemplifications of high-cost roads.

Types of Roads According To the Traffic

Business Roads

The roads carrying lower than one thousands vehicles on an average per day are called low business roads.

Medium Business Roads

The roads that carry on a normal of eight hundred to fifteen hundred vehicles per day are called Medium business roads.

High Business Roads

High business roads that carry further than three thousand vehicles per day are called High business roads.

Cycle Road/Track

The tracks which are constructed especially for bikes and bikes are called Cycle tracks.

Walkway Roads

Pedestrian ways constructed specifically for climbers where any vehicles are rigorously confined are called rambler ways.

Motorways Roads

Motorways are roadways that are constructed for a free inflow of veritably speed vehicle business.

Types of Roads According To Uses

All Rainfall Road

Rainfall roads that can be penetrated throughout time are called All- rainfall roads.

Some Rainfall Roads

Fair weather roads that are penetrated only during fair atmosphere environment are called Fair weather roads.

Types of Road According to the Carriageway

Paved/Bituminous Roads

Paved roads are designed with a hard pavement course similar to Bituminous, WBM, and Cement concrete are known as Paved roads.

Unpaved/Hard pavement Road

The unpaved roads aren’t designed with hard pavement similar to Murram.

Types of Roads According To Flexibility 

Flexible/Four Layers Roads

These types of roads have four layers. The external face subcaste is outgunned with bituminous material called a wearing course or beating and an underpinning subgrade course,sub-base, and Base.

Rigid/ Three Layers Roads

These are the roads with only three layers (Sub-grade Base-course, and Asphalt Base-Course) that make the road flexible.

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