Calculate Load And Design Calculation For Column Beam Wall And Slab

The column is the Vertical member of the building or construction. Strength of the any column totally depends on its size and shape and the location, and length of the column. The Beam is the horizontal member of the building or construction. The basic purpose of the beam is to carry the shear force and bending moments and load transfer to the edge and the column. Calculate Load And Design Calculation For Column Beam Wall And Slab. Calculate Load For Column | Calculate Load For Beam | Calculate Load For Wall |Calculate Load For Slab | For The safety Factor Or Extra Added Load |Definition of The Column| Definition of The Beam |Definition of The Slab |Definition of The Wall 

Definition of The Column

The column is the Vertical member of the building or construction. Strength of the any column totally depends on its size and shape and the location, and length of the column. The purpose of the column is to transfer load from top to bottom. The column is an important member of the building for construction.

Definition of The Beam

The Beam is the horizontal member of the building or construction. The basic purpose of the beam is to carry the shear force and bending moments and load transfer to the edge and the column. The beam is the location or position on the bottom is the name of the plinth beam and the position between the two columns is the name of the RCC beam and is also given in the slab.

Definition of The Slab

The Slab is the horizontal concrete member of the building or construction. The size of the slab is a minimum of 125mm with the supports of the column and wall. The position of the slab is on the roof on the bottom floor and ceilings. The slab is flat on the top of the column, beam, and wall. The size of the slab is depending on the size of the room or building etc.

Definition of The Wall

The Wall is the vertical member of the building wall and is an important part of the building. Without a wall is not possible to construct the building. Different types of walls according to uses or position parapet wall cross wall partition wall. The thickness of the wall is  9″ and 4.5 “.

Calculate Load And Design Calculation For Column Beam Wall And Slab 


Calculate Load For Column

We calculate the load for the column with the help of the self-load of the concrete is approximately 2400kh/m³ which is equal to 240kN. And Self Load of the steel is approximately 8000kg/m³.

Now We calculate the load for a column with the help of some given data.

Bar Bending Schedule For Column

Given Data

Length of the column = 300mm

Width of the column   = 450mm

Height of the column  = 3000mm=3m

Percentage of the steel = 1%

Self Weight of the column = 1000kg/floor = 10KN

Self Weight of the concrete = 2400kg/m³

Self Weight  of the Steel = 8000kg/m³


Volume of Concrete

Weight of concrete

Weight of Steel with concrete

Total Weight of column

The volume of the concrete = L × W × H

The volume of the concrete = 0.300 × 0.450 × 3 = 0.405m³

The Weight of the Concrete = Volume of concrete × Self Weight

The Weight of the Concrete = 0.405 × 2400 = 97kg

The Weight of the Steel = Volume of concrete × Persentagte of steel × self-weight of the steel

The Weight of the Steel = 0.405 × 0.01 ×  8000 = 32.4kg

Total Weight of column = Weight of concrete + weight of steel

Total Weight of column = 97 + 32.4 = 1004.4kg/m = 10.04KN/m

Calculate Load For Beam

The load calculation for the beam is the same step for the column with the help of some given data.

Bar bending Schedule of Plinth Beam

How To Calculate The Concrete Volume for Stairs

Given Data

Depth/thickness of the beam= 350mm Without slab

Width of the beam  = 400mm

Length of the beam  = 1000mm=1m

Percentage of the steel = 2%

Self Weight of the concrete = 2400kg/m³

Self Weight  of the Steel = 8000kg/m³


Volume of Concrete

Weight of concrete

Weight of Steel with concrete

Total Weight of Beam

The Volume of the concrete = L × W × Thickness

The Volume of the concrete = 1 × 0.400 × 0.350 =0.14m³

The Weight of The Concrete = Volume of concrete × Self Weight of Concrete

The Weight of The Concrete = 0.14 × 2400 = 336kg

The Weight of the steel = weight of concrete × percentage of steel × self-weight of steel

The Weight of the steel = 0.14 × 0.02 × 8000 = 22.40kg

Total Weight of beam = Weight of concrete + weight of steel

Total Weight of beam = 336 + 22.40 = 385kg/m = 3.5KN/m

The self Weigth of the beam will be 3.5kN/ r.m ( R.M = Running Meter)

Calculate Load For Wall

The Load calculation for the wall is very simple. The load calculate for the wall with the help of some given data

Given Data

The Density of bricks =1500 to 2000 kg/m³

The Length of  The wall = 1m

The Height of the wall = 2.5m

The thickness of the wall = 9 inches = 0.228m

The Self Load of the wall = 0.225kg/R.M        R.M = RUNNING METER 


The volume of the wall = L × H × thickness

The volume of the wall = 1 × 2.5 × 0.228 = 0.57m³

The Load of the wall = self-load of the wall × length × Height × density of a brick

The Load of the wall / running meter  = 0.225kg/r.m  × 1 × 2.5 × 2000 = 1125kg

For concrete blocks and autoclaves block the weight 550 kg to 700kg / m³

Calculate Load For Slab

The Load calculate for the slab with the help of some given data

Given Data 

The Length of the slab = 1000mm=1m

The Widht of the slab = 1000mm = 1m

The thickness of the slab = 125mm = 0.125m

The Self Weight of the concrete = 2400kg/m³


The Volume of the slab = L × W × Thickness

The Volume of the slab = 1 × 1 × 0.125 =0.125m³

Total Weight of the slab = Length of the slab × Thickness × self-weight of concrete

Total Weight of the slab = 1 × 0.125 × 2400 = 300kg= 3KN

For The safety Factor Or Extra Added Load

When all calculations will be complete they also add some load to the calculation for the safety factor. safety factor means extra load adds for extra precaution to avoid the failure of the building. The safety factor is most important for building design. Value of the safety factor = 1.5

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